Nov 10, 2022
Would your kids be able to handle your estate?
An invaluable gift you can offer your heirs is to make that process as easy as possible.
Oct 10, 2022
The Fiduciary Standard and You
In the investment field, there are two primary parties who are able to offer investment advice to individuals. These parties are investment advisors and investment brokers who work for brokers-dealers.
Sep 8, 2022
Widowhood: Grief has many faces
Grief has many faces. As the widow, you are consumed by the loss of the person, your “Person”, who touched every aspect of your life, leaving a void everywhere you turn, without respite. The intimacy partner, the co-parent, the sounding board, the co-conspirator, the best friend, the cheerleader, the lover, the financier and the handyman. Indeed, widowhood starts with what’s called the “primary loss” of the person who died.
Aug 25, 2022
Build your families core values and guiding principles
In addition to improving your family's Return on Life, writing your family's guiding principles can be a fun activity that aligns everyone to shared values and goals. To create guiding principles that inspire and endure, follow these four steps.
Aug 16, 2022
IRA and 401(k) beneficiaries: Life under the new RMD regulations
Feeling uncertain about how to apply the SECURE Act to RMDs? Here's how.
Aug 11, 2022
Every once in a while we like to feature a post by a colleague or friend. George Weir was a dear friend who wrote poetry for much of is life, and especially after his wife Hazel passed away. He often reflected on his time served in WWII, as well as, his career in the moving business. Enjoy.
Jun 15, 2022
Donor-advised funds: feeding the soul
A donor-advised fund is a simple, cost-effective, and easy vehicle for establishing your philanthropic strategy. Learn more.
Jun 2, 2022
Financially navigating the sandwich generation
An important message for those in the Sandwich Generation: supporting others should not mean sacrificing your own financial well-being. And by addressing the issue head-on, you won’t have to.
May 11, 2022
Everyone loves someone. And when you go, wouldn’t you want to know you left that someone in good hands?
May 11, 2022
A retirement income map for single women
Whether you’ve been single all your life or became single again after a divorce or widowhood, you will likely be making most (if not all) of your retirement planning decisions on your own.
May 11, 2022
Does your savings match your reality?
“The only money that’s really yours is the money you spend. Everything else goes to somebody else.” - Teddy Chafolious
May 11, 2022
Whether you’re taking a road trip or relaxing on a beach chair, invite one of these podcasts to join you.
Column 1 Content