Curve Ball Life Planning™

We know life after loss is hard.
You might feel your financial future is uncertain.

You want to be a financially confident woman, but you might feel your financial future is uncertain. That’s why we created Curve Ball Life Planning™: to empower you to live life from a position of knowledge and power, rather than fear and ignorance. Being prepared does not mean expecting that something bad or fatal is going to happen, but rather being ready if it does. Whether you’ve just experienced one of life’s curve balls or you’re preparing yourself for a worst-case scenario, we’re here to help.

Prepare: At WH Cornerstone, we help you on your journey to build foundational stability now so that when life’s storms come, you are not weighed down any more than you may be. Together we will organize your financial life to ensure you have your ducks in a row as to your estate plan, updating beneficiaries, titling of your assets, and making any appropriate decisions for your situation now that can help make your future smoother if one of you is no longer able to care for themselves or has a terminal diagnosis.

Rebuild: First, we exhale, make a cup of tea, and address your most pressing questions – financial and otherwise. After analyzing your financial situation, we help you to take care of urgent matters such as updating designated beneficiaries, reevaluating retirement plans, understanding Social Security and Medicare, planning your tax strategy, and amending your budget. We stand by your side to help you chart the course of the path ahead, with the ultimate goal of empowering you with a plan of action that feels true to who you are and the legacy you will continue to carry on.

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What types of clients do you work with?

Most often, a widow finds us after her partner has died. She was used to making decisions as part of a couple and wants the advice of someone who has a potential roadmap for her future journey. She has a complicated situation potentially involving a business, multiple homes across various locations and investment properties as well as other advisors who need someone to coordinate and work together as a system.

Ideally, we would be a part of the couples’ team of advisors setting them up with a plan that protects their hard work and wealth. Then, we’d be there to transition a widow to managing her financial life on her own when her partner dies.

How do you get paid?

We are fee for service, which means we are paid solely by our clients for the investment services or financial planning we provide rather than a commission or transaction fee from a third party.

What do I need to prepare or bring with me to meet with you?

Before you meet with us, we typically have you fill out an online risk assessment. We’ll ask that you provide us with some personal and financial information in Orion Planning. We will also provide you with our Future Advantage Questionnaire™ to help you prepare for the questions we will review together. You are welcome to bring your questions too. Our initial meetings are anything but ordinary. It’s a chance for us to get to know you, where you’ve been on your financial (and personal) journey and where you want to go.

What makes a successful financial planning relationship?

We love that you are thinking about this!

Here’s our version of an ideal financial planning relationship:

  • We believe every great relationship has give and take. And the very best relationships start as a team. We’ll ask you to do some homework before we meet so we’re all prepared to dig in.
  • At our meeting, we want you to be open and authentic about both your current financial situation and your dreams for the future.
  • Ideally, you’ll tell us your financial goals and snapshots of financial decisions that played a role in their past. But you’ll also dream big with us and give us the ideal future where your financial goals and your personal goals are totally aligned.
  • We are not able to read minds nor do we have a crystal ball so our best advice is based upon what information you share with us.
  • Pragmatically, timely communication and feedback is essential to assisting clients move forward.